Response to a brief set by Major Players for the #MajorCreatives challenge. 
The way we live, work and socialise has dramatically changes over the course of the Covid-19 outbreak.
With a huge proportion of the world currently on lockdown, the ask was to depict this new way of living, linking to a social impact initiative.
The aim was to create something that feels like a window into the new and unique living situations during lockdown.
Featuring lots of different people in different scenarios, the idea was to highlight how the lockdown is truly a lottery and impacts every different household differently. The six illustrations, paired into scenes that complement one another, highlight both the love and support people have been giving and receiving and some of the challenges. With this in mind, we’ve then suggested to those that can to donate to some of the biggest issues facing those that are in the unluckiest and toughest situations thanks to the lockdown - choosing six charities that tackle some of the biggest challenges.
Editorial: Lauren Heaven, Illustration: Natalie Scott
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